Earthrise Farm - Pelouse Synthétique


Thank you for visiting our Web site. We have many resources available here, including forms to register for our classes, information about our intern venture, details on our meeting spaces and more. If you have any questions not answered on the site, please call us at (320) 752-4700 or send an e-mail to erfarm[at]

Who we are

Earthrise Farm was established in 1996 by Kay and Annette Fernholz, both School Sisters of Notre Dame, on the 240-acre family farm purchased by their parents in 1944. Rooted in the charism and ministries that define the School Sisters of Notre Dame, a 12-acre portion of the farm has developed into a community-supported garden, poultry coop, with a yurt being offered for some time away and opportunities for experiential Earth Literacy. In December 2004, the Earthrise Farm Foundation, a nonprofit organization, was founded to fulfill our mission. With the help of our board of directors, volunteers and interns, Earthrise Farm continues to grow in its mission of renewing our Earth connections.

Tax deductible contributions to Earthrise, a nonprofit organization, are much appreciated and help to support our mission. Send contributions to:

Earthrise Farm Foundation
2580 250th St.
Madison, MN 56256


The site of Earthrise is the farm that Armond and Gertie Fernholz purchased in 1944. Armond grew up the oldest of five siblings on a farm near St. Leo, Minnesota. Already as a very young boy, Armond had a great love for the land and for farming. He also had a deep love of baseball and for a short time pursued training in a major league farm system. His love of music also found him dreaming of becoming an orchestra director. It seems farming grew to be his strongest passion, becoming his way of life rather than just a job. In 1936 he married Gertrude Wollschlager who also lived the ways of farm life. In the early years of their marriage Armond would take every opportunity to go to St. John's University in Collegeville to learn more and more the ways and deeper meaning of his farming vocation.

This love of the land was firmly instilled in the hearts of his nine children in the ways their father lived out his true vocation. Armond also worked long hours driving up and down country roads, knocking at doors, and rallying as a member of the NFO, (National Farmers Organization), trying to unite farmers to work for collective bargaining and justice at the marke place. Armond lived at Earthrise until Feb. 8, 2008, when he and Gertie went to live at the Madison Lutheran Home. Still at age 96 you would see him slowly walking the gravel driveway, admiring the clouds, and trees he had planted many years ago, as well as looking with pride at the farm house that held so many stories. Armond lived at Earthrise until Feb. 8, 2008, when he and Gertie went to live at the Madison Lutheran Home. Armond passes away one month later on March 12 at age 97. He turly deserves to be called a faithful and devoted man of the land.

Gertrude or Gertie, as most people know her, now lives at the Madison Lutheran at age 92. Her father, John, came from Germany at age 16 and settled in Wisconsin where he worked many long hours in a brick-making factory until he came to settle near Madison, Minnesota. Here he met and married Rose Stoick. Gertie was born the third of nine siblings near Madison, Minnesota. She was blessed with a natural talent for music and her keen ear guided her fingers along the keys to melodies she could play without the written note. Sewing was also a very strong talent as well as her very green thumb that helped bring forth a yearly lush garden. Garden produce was harvested , frozen or canned for the wintery months ahead. She passed this art onto her daughters along with her bread-baking skills.

Gertie also did her share of farm work as well as providing for all that her nine growing children needed from a most loving and affirming mother. Today at age 94 she still makes her home at the Madison Lutheran Home. Her arthritis has confined her to her wheelchair in these sunset years. In the midst of a memory that has become more clouded she has not lost her deep sense of gratitude, faith, love and her delightful sense of humor. She truly remains a Mother for All Times.

Our Mission

Rooted in the prairie farmland of western Minnesota and dedicated to renewing our connections to our home the Earth, the Earthrise Farm Foundation provides educational programs and spiritual opportunities pertaining to cosmogenesis, Earth literacy, organic farming, food and nutrition. Earthrise Farm seeks be the holy ground where radical hospitality, ecological agriculture and the new origin story meet.

Gazon synthétique

Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de l'herbe artificielle?

Le choix du gazon synthetique peut, entre autres, la maintenance, la fonctionnalité et l'esthétique ou décoratif être motivé. En fonction de l'application et utiliser différentes options dans différentes gammes de prix. Lorsque la valeur décorative est seulement d'un intérêt secondaire, des alternatives moins chères sont disponibles.

Idéal pour les personnes souffrant d'allergies (herbe).
Les avantages secondaires dans les climats chauds: la formation de plus en moins de poussière, des insectes, comme les moustiques autour de la maison. Pas de boue sur vos chaussures. Les portes peuvent toujours rester ouvert!

il y a des inconvénients: le gazon synthetique est de plus chaud que l'herbe naturelle et ne changent pas de couleur avec les saisons. gazon synthetique nécessite peu d'entretien, mais il ne peut le faire aveuglément, comme nous le pensons souvent. Avec une utilisation prolongée du gazon synthetique de est exposé dans l'usure normale, les résultats dans un aplanissement. Cette usure normale dépend de l'intensité avec laquelle le gazon synthetique est utilisé. Vous pouvez prendre des mesures pour empêcher ce aplanissement I. La nature de l'herbe artificielle (voir en forme de V) est également critique. Il est important d'informer correctement sur ce point.

Cependant, le gazon synthetique a aussi une caractéristique qui est souvent négligé (et peut être considéré comme un inconvénient): L'installation nécessite une intervention professionnelle. pratique d'installation du plomb, en particulier sur une grande surface à un résultat décevant. À long terme, une pose de professionnels est d'investir de façon rentable en termes de libre utilisation et la jouissance.

Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de l'herbe artificielle?

Nous devons voir les avantages du gazon synthetique pour économiser l'eau bien, la vie faible et maintient longue de la pelouse, mais les inconvénients sont aussi!
Le gazon synthetique a l'inconvénient d'être un produit fabriqué et n'a donc pas les imperfections de gazon naturel. imparfaite difficile pour une voiture sur les aspects naturels d'une vraie herbe. Le gazon synthetique est en plastique et non à la maison. Il est également un avantage, car aucune tonte! un logement en plastique au soleil, ce chauffe-eau, et beaucoup de gens sont surpris par la chaleur du peu de gazon synthetique.
MSG gazon synthetique offre l'avantage de fibre C, ce qui est le gazon synthetique de moins chauffé sali Asie.

Le gazon synthetique est plus de mal que de bien?

Sans le gazon synthetique est un produit qui en tout état ne peut pas être installé, c'est tout!
Par exemple, poser trop de questions que les gens appellent assez incroyable:

À votre avis! Absolument pas, ce ne sont pas un produit acceptable, à l'exception de gazon de golf 10 mm.

Résister à la gazon synthetique dans la piscine?

question très commune est pas vraiment une question pertinente a été ce que les dommages l'herbe au bord d'une piscine là-bas? non, nettoyants, tels que le chlore ou le brome, et le sel est pas un problème lorsqu'il est utilisé correctement (et commander un rôle de chlore brut non seulement sur la pelouse ...), de nombreux clients ont demandé aux États-Unis, mais si vous la recherche de gazon synthetique approprié de la piscine plat d'accompagnement: tous les riches herbes de SGM sont résistants à la piscine!

Pouvez-vous me dire comment l'herbe artificielle est le plus naturel?

Voici donc la dernière question « veut gagner des millions », il a posé la question, de comprendre les chercheurs philosophes pierre ou un livre, la libido féminine est rien de plus naturel! parce qu'il est un critère très personnel. MSG a le plus grand nombre de modèles pour répondre à l'avantage de 7 gazon synthetique, mais vous comprendrez que ce choix devrait inclure.

Je voudrais demander à quatre mètres par 25 ml rempli de rouleaux de gazon synthétique comme offre?

Ceci est un avantage de notre côté, à savoir le Pro 100m2 un ensemble de pièces pour votre pelouse, mais la bonne idée fausse, le plus grand inconvénient est le poids total de 300 kg sur l'attention de salaire moyen. beaucoup de gens doivent planifier et surtout avec un accès facile si vous ne pouvez pas déplacer dans votre jardin.

Quels sont les avantages de SGM de gazon synthetique de acheté?

Ceci est une question commune pour nos clients futurs. MSG a l'avantage que la dernière génération de gazon synthetique fournit vendre parce que le changement chaque année notre sélection de toujours avoir la dernière technologie de fibres et notre tissu de pelouse. Seulement nous fournissons avec de l'herbe artificielle des matériaux européens aux Pays-Bas.

Nous devons nommer un inconvénient en ligne?

Nous avons compris depuis longtemps en mg que les achats sur Internet est une source de doute pour de nombreux clients. Par conséquent, nous avons d'abord un essai gratuit, l'achat de garantie l'origine est visible à l'écran avant de nos produits, pour sélectionner les différents guides ou demander votre pelouse. Difficile de faire confiance à l'Internet, mais des conseils de réflexion pour apprendre comment vérifier que l'entreprise vend éviter que les sites Web et bien il n'y a qu'un seul prix ...

En bref, ils ont parcouru les avantages et les inconvénients de l'herbe artificielle, garder à l'esprit que l'herbe artificielle n'est pas magique, mais il a beaucoup plus d'avantages que d'inconvénients.

Pourquoi dans votre jardin gazon synthetique installé?

Afin d'avoir une belle pelouse dans votre jardin, il sera très, très longtemps. Nous aurons des semences de plantes ou des rôles d'engrais prégermés dispersion, en attendant le tir, la chasse des parasites, l'eau et tondre la pelouse régulièrement pour avoir une taille uniforme et la densité. les trous sont remplis, la facture d'eau peut aller parce que l'irrigation et le dimanche tous les jours seront consacrés à la tâche de coupe.

L'option pour le gazon synthetique est une solution très efficace. entreprises Azurio découvrir les modèles peuvent varier de gazon synthetique à la tendance observée certains comme une vraie plante elle-même. être facile à entretenir, pas besoin arrosé ou couper une semaine. Un vide simple et une brosse si nécessaire pour enlever les feuilles sèches, qui peut être déposé par exemple.

Il dispose d'un beau jardin avec un grand gain de temps. Pas besoin d'attendre pendant des mois que la végétation dans la maison profiter pousse la nature, vous aurez un espace vert tout au long de l'année. Le gazon synthetique peut être installé dans t

Gazon synthétique pour votre balcon: Bonne ou mauvaise idée?

Le gazon synthetique a l'avantage d'être indifférent aux différentes conditions climatiques. Avec la pluie, le gel ou les grèves vague de chaleur, les risques environnementaux ont aucun effet sur gazon synthetique. Ce produit convient très bien sur toutes les surfaces, que ce soit dans un jardin ou dans une station de service.

Illuminez un petit coin de verdure avec bonheur à l'extérieur d'un appartement. Il est l'illusion qu'ils ont un vrai jardin sur le balcon, vous pouvez décorer à votre goût.

Pour ajouter du style à votre patio ou un balcon, choisissez l'herbe synthétique de couleur! Blanc, brun, bleu, rose ou noir, ce type de produit apportera une touche d'originalité et de plaisir à votre extérieur. Il peut être facilement adapté leur aire de repos avec la petite surface du gazon synthetique et va rapidement devenir votre coin préféré.

Ce produit est pour tous les budgets, situés dans une gamme très large. Vous devez choisir la taille de la pelouse sur votre balcon, le prix varie en fonction de la surface à couvrir. Contrairement à un jardin naturel, il ne sera pas un jardinage professionnel pour votre pelouse vous demander de nous contacter!

Comment choisir votre herbe artificielle?

Si vous avez choisi le synthétique acheter un jardin potager ou votre cour tout à la couverture, il est important de choisir le bon.

Il existe différents types de gazon synthetique et votre choix dépend de l'utilisation il est prévu, ou où demander.

En premier lieu, le gazon synthetique avec remplissage de sable, servira à absorber les chocs. Bien sûr, il est conseillé pour un jardin ou une aire de jeux pour les tout-petits.

Sans modèles de remplissage sont minces et sont adaptés pour les environnements fermés, balcon, terrasse ou même à l'intérieur.

Choisissez l'herbe artificielle, prenez le temps de vérifier les fonctions suivantes:

la production de français, néerlandais ou belges produits les plus utilisés, est l'expérience de leurs fabricants reconnus à l'échelle mondiale. Il est toujours conseillé de choisir des produits certifiés selon la norme ISO 9001 et ISO 14001 pour garantir la qualité.

Conseil: plus la densité de la pelouse, et le produit est solide!

Avec coin salon herbe artificielle
Février 8 a été 2019Aménagement
Pour utiliser au maximum l'extérieur, il se sent comme il a un aspect naturel. Si vous avez un jardin, une terrasse ou un balcon, vous pouvez décorer avec de l'herbe artificielle.

Quels sont les avantages de herbe artificielle ?

Pourquoi opter pour l'herbe synthétique installée dans votre jardin?
Le gazon synthetique pour balcon: bonne ou mauvaise idée?
Comment choisir le gazon synthetique?
des idées de décoration ont des balcons avec gazon synthetique

Pourquoi dans votre jardin gazon synthetique installé?

Afin d'avoir une belle pelouse dans votre jardin, il sera très, très longtemps. Nous aurons des semences de plantes ou des rôles d'engrais prégermés dispersion, en attendant le tir, la chasse des parasites, l'eau et tondre la pelouse régulièrement pour avoir une taille uniforme et la densité. les trous sont remplis, la facture d'eau peut aller parce que l'irrigation et le dimanche tous les jours seront consacrés à la tâche de coupe.

L'option pour le gazon synthetique est une solution très efficace. entreprises Azurio découvrir les modèles peuvent varier de gazon synthetique à la tendance observée certains comme une vraie plante elle-même. être facile à entretenir, pas besoin arrosé ou couper une semaine. Un vide simple et une brosse si nécessaire pour enlever les feuilles sèches, qui peut être déposé par exemple.

Il dispose d'un beau jardin avec un grand gain de temps. Pas besoin d'attendre pendant des mois que la végétation dans la maison profiter pousse la nature, vous aurez un espace vert tout au long de l'année. herbe artificielle, toute la surface du jardin sont installés autour de la piscine ou à la cour de récréation.

Espace détente avec gazon synthetique

Gazon synthétique pour votre balcon: Bonne ou mauvaise idée?

Le gazon synthetique a l'avantage d'être indifférent aux différentes conditions climatiques. Avec la pluie, le gel ou les grèves vague de chaleur, les risques environnementaux ont aucun effet sur gazon synthetique. Ce produit convient très bien sur toutes les surfaces, que ce soit dans un jardin ou dans une station de service.

Illuminez un petit coin de verdure avec bonheur à l'extérieur d'un appartement. Il est l'illusion qu'ils ont un vrai jardin sur le balcon, vous pouvez décorer à votre goût.

Pour ajouter du style à votre patio ou un balcon, choisissez l'herbe synthétique de couleur! Blanc, brun, bleu, rose ou noir, ce type de produit apportera une touche d'originalité et de plaisir à votre extérieur. Il peut être facilement adapté leur aire de repos avec la petite surface du gazon synthetique et va rapidement devenir votre coin préféré.

Ce produit est pour tous les budgets, situés dans une gamme très large. Vous devez choisir la taille de la pelouse sur votre balcon, le prix varie en fonction de la surface à couvrir. Contrairement à un jardin naturel, il ne sera pas un jardinage professionnel pour votre pelouse vous demander de nous contacter!

Comment choisir votre herbe artificielle?
Si vous avez choisi le synthétique acheter un jardin potager ou votre cour tout à la couverture, il est important de choisir le bon.

Il existe différents types de gazon synthetique et votre choix dépend de l'utilisation il est prévu, ou où demander.

En premier lieu, le gazon synthetique avec remplissage de sable, servira à absorber les chocs. Bien sûr, il est conseillé pour un jardin ou une aire de jeux pour les tout-petits.

Sans modèles de remplissage sont minces et sont adaptés pour les environnements fermés, balcon, terrasse ou même à l'intérieur.

Choisissez l'herbe artificielle, prenez le temps de vérifier les fonctions suivantes:

Matériaux: herbe est résistant aux intempéries, lorsque la fibre contient une plus grande proportion de polyéthylène.
Les fils sont élevés: vous avez beaucoup d'options de 6 mm à 50 mm au-dessus!
Le montant affectera la livraison de votre pelouse, mais aussi dans l'entretien. Plus l'herbe moins de 20 mm et donne l'impression d'une herbe fraîchement coupée, tout en haut, environ 45 mm herbe donnent plutôt l'apparence d'une pelouse. Un modèle avec des fils plus courts peut être facilement disposé dans un intérieur.
Protection: vers l'extérieur, il est important que votre pelouse est résistant aux UV pour éviter la décoloration.
Si le bord d'une piscine, de préférence antichlore gazon synthetique. Il est également important, brisant une pelouse pour décomposer le temps de choisir. Ce critère est mesuré en Newton, de sorte que les modèles évite la valeur est inférieure à 30 °
Perméabilité: Assurez-vous que les trous de drainage du gazon se rapporte à l'eau stagnante et la décomposition de la matière à éviter. Pour un bon drainage, la perméabilité de 30 l / min / m recommandée.
la production de français, néerlandais ou belges produits les plus utilisés, est l'expérience de leurs fabricants reconnus à l'échelle mondiale. Il est toujours conseillé de choisir des produits certifiés selon la norme ISO 9001 et ISO 14001 pour garantir la qualité.

Conseil: plus la densité de la pelouse, et le produit est solide!

Idées déco pour le balcon avec gazon synthetique

Pour une vue magnifique sur le balcon, il est recommandé de combiner le gazon synthetique avec des plantes naturelles.

Il est situé dans un coin de la salle de pots colorés ou des boîtes pays qui peut faire une maison mini-jardin. Les nuances de vert et de fleurs égayer votre coin de la nature et allègent. Pour enregistrer les choses dans votre centre de jardin, vous pouvez installer une petite étagère ou de la poitrine, la prochaine pratique.

Vous pouvez également utiliser une passerelle en bois au milieu, ou un tapis dans les pâturages naturels prévalent.

zone de mise en scène Tabouret est dépréciée pour améliorer les tables et les chaises pliantes, prendre un verre sur votre balcon. Le recyclage des palettes en bois aussi une bonne idée peut être utilisé pour faire un canapé prix bas.

Our story

After 40 plus years in the service of their community of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Annette and Kay Fernholz directed their ministry to the 240-acre family farm near Madison, Minnesota. Their parents, Armond and Gertie Fernholz, purchased the farm from John and Elizabeth Mueller in 1944. Once again this farm would see new beginnings in 1996 when Kay and Annette established Earthrise Farm.

Earthrise Farm takes its name from a quote made during the first moon landing, when an astronaut said, "We have seen the splendor of Earth rise above the horizon of the moon." The sisters feel it announces the coming of a new paradigm. They hope that people will gradually discover that "we have no existence apart from this Living Earth."

The gardens at Earthrise are comprised of a four acre portion of their family farm, with the remianing acreage farmed organically by their three brothers, Carmen, Chuck and Tom.

The Fernholz sisters follow the model of "teikei," a Japanese approach where small farms provide their neighbors and communities with fresh fruits and vegetables and, in return, families make a lasting commitment to the farm. The American model of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) closely resembles the principle of teikei.

For 12 years Sisters Kay and Annette - along with season interns and sometimes local high-school and grade-school students dubbed "garden angels" — they provided local families and communities with fresh nurtitious organic food grown at a fair cost of production. During the next two seasons, Nick and Joan Olson, a young farming couple, successfully and creatively managed and directed the CSA. During the 2010 season the budget has not allowed Earthrise the opportunity to hire garden managers so this summer finds them directing their subscriptions to their neighboring CSA, Easy Bean Farm, where the fresh produce is grown, harvested and prepared for delivery. Each week someone from Earthrise is grateful to pick up their shares and distribute them to the Earthrise subscribers.

There are still vegetables growing at Earthrise. During the 2010 season vegetables will be grown for the school lunch program of the Marshal Area Christian School in Marshall, Minn., and other local lunch program who has entered into the Farm to School program. Some of the garden plot is being rented to another local CSA for growing root crops for winter shares and some space is reserved for children's gardens. Who knows where the future may point us as we continue to grow good food for more and more people.

If you visit Earthrise on any given day, you’ll witness one of the many community gatherings, celebrations, and various activities, that make up the energy of the place.

Our farm
Every structure at Earthrise tells a story. The inspiration, hard work, and generous spirit of our community surfaces time and again to meet the growing needs of our farm.

A greenhouse was constructed on the farm in 1999 and named in honor of Robyn Van En, who brought the CSA concept to this country. Gene Sandau, a local community member, wished to do something good for the Earth and offered his carpentry skills as a gift to Earthrise and to the Earth. Out of this greenhouse come hundreds of young healthy plants that are transplanted into the gardens in early spring. Attached to this building is a walk-in-cooler which was made from an old truck box.

The old chicken barn has been remodeled into a canning kitchen and vegetable preparation area bearing the name of Rachel Carson House. It is here that meals are prepared and enjoyed by all those that live and work at Earthrise (and anyone who may happen along when the table is set and ready for feasting on the garden goodies). In the summer of 2002 a front porch was added using the pillars of the old house in which Gertie Fernholz, Kay and Annette’s mother, was born. Attached to this building is the walk-in cooler which was made using an old truck box, a cooling system, and insulation.

On Sept. 11, 2003, construction on our Earth Trade Center began. It serves as a small front office to accommodate visitors to the farm who may want to purchase produce, books and other educational materials. The back room is where eggs are prepared for market.

Over the past six years, poultry has been added to the Earthrise collage. Kay and Annette are part of a venture initiated at the Southwest Research and Outreach Center located in Lamberton, Minnesota. A poultry coop was begun and is now selling organic and free-range broilers as well as eggs. Earthrise is home to 100 leg horn and bovine laying hens. An old hog barn was converted into a poultry barn where the laying hens are housed. The hens eat organic feed and roam the farm during the day. Since the organic feed supplement contains flax and the hens are allowed to graze in the outdoors as well, the eggs produced are very high in the omega 3 element. Omega 3 is known to help people with cholesterol problems as well as high blood pressure, arthritis, psoriasis eczema and cancer.

In February 2003, Kay and Annette’s community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, invited them to become part of the Center for Earth Spirituality and Rural Ministry (CESRM), located at their motherhouse site in Mankato, Minnesota.

In February 2004 Kay and Annette submitted the articles of incorporation to the State of Minnesota making their first request toward their 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. Incorporation was accepted and Earthrise is now known as Earthrise Farm Foundation, Inc.

In 2005 the Earthrise Farm Foundation Board chose as its first project, the construction of the Honeycomb Center Peace Yurt. With the generous donations of time, labor and know-how of local friends this project was completed and serves well the mission of Earthrise.

On July 11, 2007, a 1917 Country School House was moved and became part of the growing dream and ministry of Earthrise.

2010 marks the 15th celebration of the Annual Earth Sabbath Celebration. Each day continues to unfold the purpose of Earthrise while we all walk daily as a Universe Family.


As an extension of the School Sisters of Notre Dame community, Earthrise seeks to be a place of learning and growth. We’re delighted to offer seasonal schedules of educational classes and events hosted either here at the farm or in the local community. It is our goal to connect people with the deep spirit of the Earth which sustains us, drawing parallels between sustainable crafts and activities and our three pillars: bioregionalism, the New Story, and eco-spirituality.

Drawing on the talents of local artisans and teachers, Earthrise offered classes in bread baking, pottery, Healing Touch, T’ai Chi Chih, astronomy, solar oven operation, canning, and gourd art during the summer of 2006. In addition, several groups of local children made regular visits to the farm, where one of our interns led them in nature scavenger hunts, seed planting, art projects, etc.

All are welcome at the farm, whether taking part in a class, stopping by to visit, taking respite in the Honeycomb Peace Center yurt or seeking a tour of the fields.


Little did we know that during the maple tree tapping season of 2006 others of our little rural community would bring their precious sap to Earthrise Farm. Here we would take turns in front of the big boiler watching the many gallons cook down into beautiful maple syrup. It was Lois who not only brought some sap, but she also asked us if we wanted an old historic 1917 country school house, District 63. At first it seemed like a wild idea with many questions, mighty moving costs, what did it look like and more. So the offer was stored away for several months until one day we drove out to look at it.

We fell in love with "her" immediately and yet the questions remained until one day at prayer the words of Rainer Maria Rilke came before me, "You must give birth to your images. They are the future waiting to be born. Fear not the strangeness you feel. The future must enter you .... long before it happens." At that moment there seemed little doubt but that we needed to follow this call to bring this treasure to live a second life here at Earthrise before the wrecking ball took it.

Mother Theresa's and Caroline's witness as educators on new lands and horizons became clearer and stronger. What is one of our greatest educational needs of this 21st century? Mother Earth stepped forward — first in line. There seemed to be no doubt but that an Environmental Learning Center was a priority. It would belong to the entire community and that we, the rural community would help restore to vibrancy this vessel that already carried the stories of countless prairie folks of the past and some still with us.

Making a long unfinished and evolving story short we bought that school from the Garfield Township Board for one very precious dollar. We began to remove old plaster and lats from the basement ceiling of OUR school in preparation for the big move.

On July 11, 2007, at 8:30 in the morning the Thein Moving Company from Clara City was in the birthing room for a two and one half hours labor more than 14 miles of country gravel roads, bringing this "child" to a second birth at the Earthrise Farm. The folks who have waited these long months with us gathered to cheer and announce the birth of its old friend in a new home. We celebrated this arrival with a community picnic and welcoming ceremony. Again the words of SSND in many years past will speak clearly, "Take this CHILD and make it grow!"

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Frequently asked questions

What does being a shareholder involve?

For shareholders in Earthrise’s CSA program, each week brings surprises. Learning the behavior patterns of lettuce, spinach, peas, beans, beets, Swiss chard, tomatoes and a variety of herbs can be as unpredictable as the weather. A flexible shareholder is willing to share the risk management, as well as the taste of healthy eating. A newsletter offering storage and preparation tips, recipe ideas and happenings on the farm is tucked into each week’s box.

How much produce comes in a share?

A full share of food will feed approximately four people. Half shares are slightly more than half of a full share and will feed approximately two or three people.

How much does a share cost?

A full share costs $460 while a half share costs $360. You may also consider gifting a full or half share to a friend or the local food shelf. Please contact us to inquire further about this option.

How long does the growing season last?

About 20 weeks, from the end of May to early October.

How do I become a member?

Call or e-mail Earthrise to request a registration form for the 2008 season. Prices and payment options are available on request.

Partnership with Easy Bean Farm

In the 2006 season, farmers at Easy Bean Farm near Milan, MN grew all of the vegetables for their CSA boxes as well as all of the produce for Earthrise CSA boxes. Each week, an Earthrise delegation picks up produce from Easy Bean and brings it to Earthrise, where it is prepared and packed into boxes.

This partnership allows Earthrise to work more closely with other farmers and allows more time to focus on growing vegetables for new local farmer’s markets. In addition, many people come to Earthrise to purchase produce and the market for vegetables for local banquets is increasing (to our delight!).

16 reasons to join a CSA in your region

  1. Organic produce

  1. Fresh produce

  1. Concern for healthy environment

  1. Supports local food sources

  1. Supports the small farmer

  1. You know where/how your food is grown

  1. Desire to eat vegetables in season

  1. Desire to reduce packaging

  1. Health reasons

  1. A sense of doing something with purpose

  1. An opportunity to connect to a piece of land

  1. Price

  1. Unusual varieties of food

  1. A place to bring your children

  1. An opportunity to attend festivals/events

  1. An opportunity to be around animals

A Brief History of the CSA

Community Supported Agriculture is an exciting and rapidly growing form of farm management and marketing. It is also a great way for people to find the freshest possible, locally grown and usually organic or biodynamic products. There are CSA farms in every state and most provinces, and the numbers are increasing. These farms, under the CSA umbrella, can take many forms and have different arrangements with their members.

CSA farms can be traced to Japan in the mid 1960s. In 1965, a group of women approached a local farm family with an idea to address these issues and provide their families with fresh vegetables and fruits. The farmers agreed and a contract was drawn up and teikei, meaning “food with the farmer’s face on it”, was born.

The first documented CSA farm in the U.S. began in 1985 in western Massachusetts (van En 1988) Four years later, there were thirty-seven identifiable projects in the U.S. And Canada. In 1994 the number of CSA’s in the US was about four hundred. Informal estimates suggest close to one thousand in 1995.

In its simplest form, CSA is a contractual agreement between a farm and a group of consumers variously described as “shareholders.” “Members,” or “subscribers." At the beginning of the season, each member buys a share of the harvest at a predetermined price and in return receives products usually on a weekly basis. The core of CSA production is organic vegetables, but other products may be distributed as well: meat and poultry, dairy products, cider, honey, flowers, and even maple syrup

A Brief History of the CSA

Community Supported Agriculture is an exciting and rapidly growing form of farm management and marketing. It is also a great way for people to find the freshest possible, locally grown and usually organic or biodynamic products. There are CSA farms in every state and most provinces, and the numbers are increasing. These farms, under the CSA umbrella, can take many forms and have different arrangements with their members.

CSA farms can be traced to Japan in the mid 1960s. In 1965, a group of women approached a local farm family with an idea to address these issues and provide their families with fresh vegetables and fruits. The farmers agreed and a contract was drawn up and teikei, meaning “food with the farmer’s face on it”, was born.

The first documented CSA farm in the U.S. began in 1985 in western Massachusetts (van En 1988) Four years later, there were thirty-seven identifiable projects in the U.S. And Canada. In 1994 the number of CSA’s in the US was about four hundred. Informal estimates suggest close to one thousand in 1995.

In its simplest form, CSA is a contractual agreement between a farm and a group of consumers variously described as “shareholders.” “Members,” or “subscribers." At the beginning of the season, each member buys a share of the harvest at a predetermined price and in return receives products usually on a weekly basis. The core of CSA production is organic vegetables, but other products may be distributed as well: meat and poultry, dairy products, cider, honey, flowers, and even maple syrup.

16 reasons to join a CSA in your region

  1. Organic produce

  1. Fresh produce

  1. Concern for healthy environment

  1. Supports local food sources

  1. Supports the small farmer

  1. You know where/how your food is grown

  1. Desire to eat vegetables in season

  1. Desire to reduce packaging

  1. Health reasons

  1. A sense of doing something with purpose

  1. An opportunity to connect to a piece of land

  1. Price

  1. Unusual varieties of food

  1. A place to bring your children

  1. An opportunity to attend festivals/events

  1. An opportunity to be around animals

Get thee to a nunnery. Or shall we say ... hennery!

For Omega-3, heart-healthy eggs

Every time you buy a dozen Omega-3 Heart Smart Eggs from Earthrise Farm, you are supporting a group of women who call themselves, "Birds of a Feather." We are Kristianna, Nancy, Jesse, Gretchen, Dr. Linda and Sr. Annette. All of us care for small flocks of brown egg laying hens known as bovans. We are the West Central wing of the Southwest Minnesota Poultry Coop. Our birds are given thanks, affection, freedom, comfortable hennerys and grains laced with flax from the Buckwheat Growers Association, a group of organized organic famers from Wadena, MN.

Our mission is primarily one of providing and eating food that has been grown in the same place that we work, go to school, breathe the air, drink the water and wave at passing neighbors. We believe that marketing as an organized group will ensure a financial margin to our mission, thereby making it attractive to other aspiring farmers. And maybe ... just maybe ... we can begin the great turning toward a one-Earth community. In the likely event of an oil shortage and all grocery stores, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and restaurants are mandated to sell and serve locally grown foods (a policy already established in Woodbury County, Iowa), "Birds of a Feather" is already in place to serve this area with Omega-3 eggs and Omega-3 chicken. We await the vision and leadership of such institutions to come calling on our hennerys. Already on board are Jubilee in Madison, Bergens Prairie Market in Milan, Bill's Super Value in Ortonville, Pomme de Terra in Morris, County Market in Montevideo, The County Butcher in Dawson, The Meat Center in Appleton and countless individuals who make a trip to Earthrise to see their grass-fed bovans dust bathing in the sun.

Just beyond the local border is Good Counsel Hill, Mankato, MN, where the School Sisters of Notre Dame have their "nunnery." They depend on a substantial delivery once a month to help and encourage the local food movement that is sweeping the country promoting environmental responsibility, agricultural sustainability and fair prices to those who grow our food. Earthrise Farm takes on the added mission of nurturing beginning farmers by buying and distributing their eggs, as well as centralizing the storage of feed and cartons, thus helping to eliminate the anxiety of going it alone.

Why is there interest in Omega-3 fatty acid?

For a long time, it has been known that polyunsaturated fatty acids play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. Current researsh findings suggest that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower blood triglyceride levels. Omega-3 are commonly found in fish and fish oils as well as canola oil, soybean and flaxseed. Our hens are fed a special diet that contains 10 to 20 percent ground flaxseed, which is higher in Omega-3 acids and lower in saturated fatty acids than other grains. We do not medicate, use hormones or geneticall modified corn in maintaining our flocks. We encourage you to vote with your fork for a local, safe and sustainable food system in our community, state and country. Thanks for being a local hero.

For more information about the Southwest Minnesota Poultry Coop, contact:

Mr. Joe Rolling, president at 507-487-5742, or Mr. Ray Teeter, Consultant, at 507-836-6220.

Veggie Frittata

Olive oil for pan

8 locally grown Omega-3 eggs

1/2 (raw, local) milk, if possible

Beat eggs and milk together.

Pour into oiled, oven-proof skillet over medium heat.

Add chopped kale, brocoli, asparagus, or spinach, depending on the season.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Add feta or local cheeses (optional). Promptly add vegetables and stir evenly in egg mixture. Add the cheeses.

Cook on low without stirring until eggs are mostly set. Transfer to oven and broil 2–4 minutes until lightly golden on top. Cool slightly before serving.

"Birds of a Feather"

Earthrise Farm

2580 250th St., Madison, MN 56256

Prairie Coteau Farm

19079 487th Ave., Astoria, SD 57213

Svec Farm

47024 SD Hwy 28, Estelline, SD 57234

Fowl Play

2430 290th St., Madison, MN 56256

Grade A Large Brown Eggs

Nancy Veldhuisen, 3333 Co. Rd. 11, Cottonwood, MN 56229

Happy Hen Farm

2320 251st Ave., Madison, MN 56256

At Earthrise Farm, we have available:

Omega-3 eggs, $2.30/dozen (wholesale)

Pastured frozen whole chicken (USDA processed and inspected), $2/pound (wholesale)

Flaxseed, $1.79/pound